I-Factory Direct Melamine Formaldehyde Resin Molding Powder
I-Huafu Melamine Molding Powder
1. Ukulinganisa umbala okuphezulu embonini ye-melamine.
2. Izinga elizinzile kanye noketshezi oluhle lwempushana yezinto ezingavuthiwe.
3. Ukulethwa okuphephile nokusheshayo nokuthunyelwa okusheshayo.
4. Okuhlangenwe nakho okucebile kakhulu kanye nenkonzo enhle yangemva kokuthengisa.

Incazelo yezinto ezibonakalayo ze-Melamine tableware
I-A5 eluhlaza yi-100% melamine resin, i-tableware ekhiqizwe nge-A5 eluhlaza i-melamine tableware ehlanzekile.
Izici zayo zisobala kakhulu, azinabuthi futhi azinambitheki, zilula futhi zifakwa ukushisa, zine-ceramic luster, kodwa zimelana kakhulu nama-bumps kune-ceramics, akulula ukuphuka, futhi inokubukeka okubucayi.
Ibanga layo lokumelana nezinga lokushisa liyi--30 degrees Celsius kuya ku-120 degrees Celsius, ngakho lisetshenziswa kakhulu ekuphekeni nasekuphileni kwansuku zonke.

Umbiko Wokuhlola we-EUR
Umfakisicelo: Quanzhou Huafu Melamine Resin Co., Ltd
Igama Lento Yesampula: Idiski yesikwele ye-Melamine
Isikhathi Sokuhlola: Juni 10, 2022 kuya kuJuni 20, 2022
Okujwayelekile | Umphumela |
I-European Commission Regulation No. 10/2011, Amendment (EU) 2016/1416 of 24 August 2016 and Regulation No. 1935/2004- Overall migration | Dlula |
I-European Commission regulation NO.10/2011 isijobelelo II, Isichibiyelo (EU) 2016/1416 somhla zingama-24 ku-Agasti 2016 kanye nomthetho 1935/2004 mayelana nokufuduka okuthile kokuqukethwe kwensimbi | Dlula |
I-European Commission regulation NO.10/2011 isijobelelo I, Isichibiyelo (EU) 2016/1416 somhla zingama-24 Agasti 2016 kanye noMthethonqubo 1935/2004 mayelana nokufuduka okuthile kwe-Formaldehyde | Dlula |
I-European Commission regulation NO.284/2011 mayelana nokufuduka okuthile kwe-Formaldehyde | Dlula |
I-European Commission regulation NO.10/2011 isijobelelo I, Isichibiyelo (EU) 2016/1416 somhla zingama-24 Agasti 2016 kanye noMthethonqubo 1935/2004 mayelana nokufuduka okuthile kwe-Melamine | Dlula |

Ukuvakasha Kwemboni: